Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Put your questions to Neil Robertson

Can Robertson rule the baize again in the new campaign?

Neil Robertson is waiting for your questions about snooker. It was only four months ago that the Australian conquered Graeme Dott in the early hours of the morning at the Crucible to become champion of the world. Glory in Sheffield meant Robertson was the first player outside the UK and Ireland since Cliff Thorburn in 1980 to win the championship. The 28-year-old from Melbourne was also the first down under star since Eddie Charlton for 35 years to make the final. With the Shanghai Masters kicking off the first of seven ranking events in a new campaign, the revamped World Open is next up in Glasgow, followed by a number of new and innovative quick-fire competitions along with the old favourites.  Send in your questions for Neil to mark.ashenden.01@bbc.co.uk or on BBC Sport's Mark Ashenden's Twitter by lunchtime on Thursday 16 September. The best ones will be answered and published ahead of this weekend's World Open.

1 comment:

  1. Hai

    Really Neil Robertson is very good player and he is Worlds Best Snooker Player...



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